Hello, all! I decided to take on a small project this afternoon (instead of doing laundry) and wanted to share the results. I've seen so many adorable yarn-wrapped wreaths on Pinterest lately I couldn't help but try my hand at it. One found wreath and a baggy of salvaged yarn from Savers later and voila!

I pinned the yarn into my wreath (made of hay) with a bobby pin and used some packing tape (taped on upside down) to help position the yarn but I doubt this would be necessary next time. Wrapping is easy. Just keep an even layer and feel free to back track to fill in holes. And don't forget, imperfection is what makes it unique!
Once the entire wreath was wrapped, I pinned it once again with a bobby pin to secure it. The yarn balls were also pinned with hair pins (not bobbie pins but the old school kind of pin). I used the same kind of pins to make a hanger too. I twisted the pin and pushed it down into the wreath (hay and all) and then bent it upwards.
I'm really pleased with how this turned out. I dare say I may make another one or a try yarn (or twine) wrapped letter.
What's your favorite yarn craft?