Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It's been awhile, I know. I have a new house that I'm cleaning, redoing, and decorating --it's a slow process. I'm going to keep at it and also begin putting vintage and handmade goodies up on etsy again.

I bought a new magazine! I know this probably doesn't sound like something to write home about, but I LOVE Country Living and Better Homes and Gardens magazines and special interest mags full of great inspiration. Paint this, glue that, reuse this as a jewelry holder... ahhhh. : )

I'm looking to finish up the projects I've got going on currently so I can start some new spring-y projects. I've got to: rehang my draperies in the master bedroom, finish painting my bathroom and the trim in the guest bedroom, and finish decorating those rooms. My new projects include sewing doily pillows, creating a grandiose headboard for my bed, making my slides lamp, and preparing my garden and flower beds.

With that being said I should get started!


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